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    作者:    文章来源:bst3388全球奢华游戏    浏览次数:226    发布时间:2022-05-04



    For an English major, it is necessary that we should read extensively as a professional training——the reading tasks in your courses are by no means enough from the point of view of professional training, thus, extra efforts shall be made in your free time, here, your vacation. It would be a shame if, after four years of English training, one cannot name some original English books that have been read, perused and deeply appreciated. 


    You are what you read; hence, in order to be a person internally powerful, externally resourceful, you are advised to read as much as possible. But reading is a lonely journey, without company or guide, one may get lost or simply avoid the rough terrains so that his or her English makes little progress.


    Here comes

    our English competition for students

    from SELC or other department


    We would like to invite you to our reading journey in the coming winter vacation. This competition is organized by the Student Party Branch for SELC, and aims at helping students get themselves used to reading original English books as a way of life, which was proved fruitful in our past reading competitions. We hope you will enjoy your reading.


    All the students who are interested in reading books in English are encouraged to take part in our competition, be they from SELC or not. If you take part in our reading competition for the first time, the following may give you some idea what the competition is like:


    1.Books for the competition will be provided in digital format for every participant; and you are also welcome to borrow books from our newly-open library. For more information about booking a book in our library, please refer to our latest updates concerned in SELCs official Wechat Public account.


    2.Participants are supposed to make a daily report of their reading progress in a designated mini-program, and the format is like: Day11: Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea, Page 23-28, 6 page in total, 11 left. Daily report is invalid if participants dont follow the reporting format. Meanwhile, a days progress is recorded in 24-hour basis (from 0:00-24:00). Volunteers will record all the reports and update the scores for each participant the next day.


    3.Extra scores will be awarded to those who make daily report for consecutive 7 days, 14 days, 21 days etc. More scores will come to those who do not miss any day over the competition.


    4.We encourage participants to share with us their comments after reading. Scores will be awarded if one includes comments in his/her daily report. Extra scores will follow if the comment is noted as excellent.


    5.Participants should read at least three pages for their daily report.


    6.At the end of the competition, the First Prize (one only) will be awarded to the one who scores the highest, the Second Prize goes to participants whose scores are on the second and third places, and participants who rank the fourth to sixth places will receive the Third Prize. A certain number of participants will be given a certificate of participation.


    7.Rules in detail will be announced later.


    8.Duration for competition: The duration will be announced later as per TKKs arrangement for winter holiday.


    9.   Means of participation: please join the following Wechat group; the deadline is 10th Jan. 2022.



    For more information concerning the competition, please refer to the following articles:

    1. 休沐何曾辍弦歌 —— 假阅读比赛回顾

    2. 问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来


    Enjoy your reading!



    Student Party Branch for SELC






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